How to Avoid Toxins and Other Harmful Chemicals in Homes

Chemicals are found everywhere and most people are not aware of that. Whether you are inside your house, at work, in school or in a public building, there are always chemicals. What I meant by this is that all buildings and homes are made of chemicals. The cement used to make floors and posts, the metals installed and the paints coated on walls are all full of chemicals. When homes collapse due to earthquake, fire, flood, violent attack and other factors, these chemicals could be a potential threat to the environment. Just think of the attack in the World Trade Center. The outcome of such tragedy cost a lot of human lives but the negative effects didn’t stop there. The debris was a threat to human health and to the environment in general too.

Image Source : feesta

Nobody likes to experience such tragedy in their lives but there’s always a way to prevent inheriting a much bigger problem. If your location is more prone to natural catastrophes, the more you need to open your eyes of the possible things that could happen. When you do, that’s when you start thinking of how to prevent fewer issues. One of them is the possible toxins and harmful chemicals that may released during a building collapse or damage. Here are some practical ways on how to avoid toxic chemicals in residential buildings like your home.

1. Buy Eco-Friendly Paints

One of the simplest things you can do to reduce the potential threat of chemicals in your house is to use non-toxic paints. There are many commercial paints now that are environmentally friendly. These are much better to use in coating walls, posts, ceilings and fences. Plus, you do not have to worry about the foul smell right after applying paint coats because they are absolutely scented or odor free. Maybe it’s time to remodel your house by having new paints that are eco friendly and safe to the health.

2. Use Natural Home Cleaners

Natural home cleaning products may be familiar to you. You have probably heard from your neighbors that vinegar is a good natural cleaner against stains, moulds, and more importantly germs.

Image Source : lobsterstew

You may have read on magazines or newspapers that can lemons clean too. Whether you may have or not, these two ingredients are very powerful home cleaners. Along with baking soda, cornstarch and castile soaps, they are 100% safe products to use for cleaning. So, the next time you clean your bathroom, flooring, windows and tables, use some natural home cleaning ingredients or products.

3. Replace Your Furniture with Non-Toxic Fabric Covering

Most furniture we see and use in residential homes are made of leather and cotton. These two ingredients are not considered to be eco friendly. Obviously, leather is collected from animals. The process of making leather can harm not only the population of animals but also the environment. In the case of cotton, this fabric needs gallons of water for cleaning. Even furniture made in polyester is considered not friendly to the environment. What kind of fabric of furniture that you must look for when buying a new set? Organic hemp, organic cotton (non conventional) and wool shorn (sheep’s coat) are the eco friendly fabrics used in furniture that you have to select.

4. Replace Your Tiles with Recycled Ones

Tiles that have been recycled are another great option. They may still have the chemical ingredients but at least they minimize the scraps that are left behind which can become harmful in the environment. While these tiles are still usable, you are able to protect the environment. Plus, most recycled tiles are durable so that’s still a good investment on your part. If you are not sure about recycled tiles, there are eco friendly tiles which are far better to have on your flooring anyway.

5. Install Green Windows

Image Source : oimax

As far as energy efficiency is concerned, green windows are among the best replacements. You do not only benefit on the financial aspect by saving amount of energy bills but also avoid toxic chemicals. These new, modern energy efficient windows are future saver of the environment.

6. Store Recyclable Items in a Bin

Plastic bag, bottles, cans, steel, aluminum and metals are among the items that are not safe to the health and to the environment. They contain chemicals that are harmful. While they are common in homes, everybody should know how to dispose them. The simplest is to store them in a bin system where collectors of garbage get them for recycling. This is one of the eco friendly tasks that I do for many years. Once your bottles or cans are empty, get rid of them immediately and have them stored at the right container.

Only a few homes in a community are practicing ways on how to prevent chemicals in their own backyards. The good news is that your house could be the first one to do such campaign. Once you practice it and see the positive effects, you will be eventually sharing that to your neighbors and friends. If everybody finds out the potential threat of harmful and toxic chemicals, it is easier to avoid them from happening. When there is flood, fire or earthquake, at least the chemicals released are reduced which can provide a better impact in the environment.

What can we learn from knowing the practical and simple ways to avoid toxic chemicals? There is only one and that is pure discipline in ourselves. If we are able to do the right things with commitment, it can make a big difference in the world we live in. We may not be able to do great things for the environment but we can try applying some of the easy and simple ways like what is discussed above. I hope that you are able to see the positive impacts of doing these simple things right at your home. You won’t expect others doing that if you alone cannot or won’t do so.



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