Getting rid of pest is one of the daily goals of every home owner and farmer. Although not very easy to do, most people think the use of chemically-made pesticides can easily kill or destroy pests. We can definitely get rid of pests through pesticide, because they are mixed with high chemical contents that are able to kill insects and rodents. But, did you know the harmful effect of those chemical products to the health of your family and to the environment?
The Bad News
Most of the pesticides that we find in leading stories are mixed with harmful chemicals. These are elements that can make us prone to sickness. Aside from this, the eco system is affected, and it can trigger more pollution. In time, they are poisonous, which can bring harm to your health, your family, and the environment. The bad effects of the use of chemical pesticides are not common to some the farmers and plants growers, even home owners with small garden.
The Good News
However, there is a much better alternative regarding how to control pest. There are plenty of natural methods that can help you get rid of different kinds of pest from rodents to insects. These so called natural methods are eco-friendly. As effective as they are, the safety you need concerning your health and the protection of the environment are pretty much assured. Using pesticides that contain low or zero chemicals, which are much better, is a very excellent idea. It is the best and safest way to control pests. Here are natural and environmentally-friendly techniques on how to get rid of pests.
The Recommended Solutions
1. Traps
This kind of pest control is originally introduced by some local pest control companies, but anyone can buy a trap to catch or instantly kill a pest, like the mouse. Even though it’s a simple method, it requires maximum patience, because some pests are too wise, and may be able to out-pass it. Also, it can only trap a single pest, so you may need to set up more than one, if in case there are some moving unwanted guests in the house or in your garden.
2. Local Plants with High Phytoestrogen
You can also find different kinds of plants that can help you to get rid or destroy pests – yes, the natural way. Plants like soybeans, black cohosh, date palm, red clover and alfalfa are good eco-friendly pesticides. They hold high level of phytoestrogen, which is able to poison insects and other pests.
3. Beneficial Insects
Professional or experienced farmers do know the benefit of some insects regarding pest control. Generally, insects can be identified as plant eaters or protectors of plants. You may like to have those helpful insects that can eat other pests, rather than your plants. These include ladybugs, hover-flies, wasps (brachonids, chalcids and ichneumon), lacewings and nematodes. You can actually buy these types of insects and have them roaming around your garden to protect your plants, since they are attracted to several variants of flowers and other plants.
4. 100% Organic Pesticides
Organic pesticides are a new trend for garden owners, farmers, and plants growers these days. This is actually a good alternative and much better than any standard chemical pesticides. The ingredients contained in this specific pest control tool are much safer, healthier and eco-friendly.
All of these four suggestions are not just ideas that you must consider. They are effective, absolutely safe, and natural way to get rid of pests. Whether you are struggling with rodents inside your home, or insects in your garden, these alternative methods can help you control pest more efficiently and safely. If you want to keep your health to the maximum, and your plants to maintain their existence, better try these ideal recommendations.
Using eco friendly products or materials to kill and destroy pests is certainly a very effective method to help the earth greener, and protect it from further damage, such as pollution. It is also a great way to sustain the health you need against pests, and safety from the bad effects of chemically-made pesticides that may be poisonous or triggers of some illnesses.