5 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Kitchen Pantry Organized

You get more motivation to cook your favorite dish if you have a beautiful kitchen and a very clean pantry. A messy kitchen is always a turn off, regardless of how much space you have. With the five tips below, you won’t be having difficulty finding the right ingredients or cooking tools whenever you need to make a delicious email for yourself or for your family.

1. Have a Bright Colored Pantry

There is something about the color that affects your mood and attitude toward preparing foods. The brighter the color is, the happier and more fun you spend time in your kitchen. It really is more interesting to have pantry that is not dark in color. White, yellow, light green and sky blue are good choices of shades for this furniture.

2. Maximize the Space

Pantry is the ideal choice of furniture for the kitchen. The primary reason is because it does not need enough space to set up one. You just ideally build a shelf of about 2 feet deep. The width or length and heighth of the pantry are where you have to extend. It is much better if you take the entire wall of one corner of the kitchen. Build a kitchen shelf that starts from the bottom (about 6 inches from the flooring) and reaches as high as the ceiling. You may even have to use the other sides of the room. The point is that you use every space as much as possible.

3. Store by Groups

Condiments like sugar, salt, black powdered pepper, and other spices are basically stored in jars, while fruits and vegetables are placed in baskets. Foods and ingredients in cans are grouped together, and empty cutleries are set on another side. This is a basic way of storing and organizing things needed in the kitchen. This must be the same thing your pantry would look like.

In addition, keep every ingredient and edible stuff to be stored in a jar, bottle, can or plastic ware with lids to ensure they are protected from dust. It would be a good help to have as many storage as you can. You may need to recycle those peanut butter bottles and pasta jars. This also helps you save some money if you do not have to buy new ones for candies, vinegar, etc. Each bin, whether made from plastic or glass material, should be labeled and packed together according to their kinds.

4. Keep the Pantry Out in the Open

Your kitchen pantry should be a storage room for both food ingredients and dishware. Since ingredients have to be stored in enclosed bins, you can just leave them out. Thus, the pantry has to be open, like no door or window to open and close. This makes it easy to grab anything you need to prepare food, anyway.

5. Clean Regularly

Do not forget to keep the kitchen shelf free from dirt, dust and even smear. This is necessary in having an organized pantry. With time, it can be spilled with powder, liquid or anything that is stainable. This should be taken care of regularly to get rid of ants, insects and other things that may spoil the content of the pantry.

It only takes you five ways to have a well organized pantry in your kitchen. This should be kept clean and beautiful at all times. Whether there is a special occasion or not, preparing foods becomes more fun and interesting. And this is exactly what you need to keep your every meal healthy and delicious.



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